All these changes, and such a massive lack of proactive communication on the part of Medium management. As a Medium member since October 2018 I have never once received any messages about or pointers to any information on any of these various changes 'behind the curtain', or how they might affect content on the platform. This is the first piece I've seen that gives me even the most basic such information. The few times I went looking for this kind of information, it was hard to find, scattered, unclear, and contaminated by too many Medium writers ranting about changes without giving adequate context or even providing links to the cause of their rants. The few times I went looking at "writers guide" and "how-to" type content from Medium itself, I found glib, glossy, superficial pieces with lots of rah-rah assurances and little to no practical guidance about how the platform actually worked. Perhaps that has changed...I was so turned off by those prior attempts that I've not bothered to look again.