As humans, our actual greatest desire, and need (aside from mere physical necessities of survival), is connection. Connection with other humans. We are social animals, regardless of 400+ years of patriarchal white male western philosophers claiming otherwise. They were, justifiably, in reaction to centuries prior of dictatorships by whatever name repressing individual (and collective) agency. In their reactive responses to that, they elevated individual 'freedom' above all else, and forgot about the fundamentally social nature of our species. Or at least, that's what we have done with their ideas.
The current brief period of focus in Euro-Anglo colonizer society on individual 'freedom' as primary is an aberration. For the vast majority of our existence as a species we have lived in compex webs and networks of social connection, which both constrain and grant degrees of individual 'freedom' appropriate for a healthy society.
"Libertarianism" is simply another "-ism" that means whatever one wants it to at any given time - depending on what one is trying to justify, or denigrate. No surprise that it might seem self-contradicting.