Gonna rain on the parade...my uncle, and my cousin and I, who were mid-late teens and thought Belushi and Akroyd were awesome on SNL, went to see this at a drive-in (remember those?) soon after it came out. We were all ready to be big fans. We gave it a decent try. And, we drove out of the drive-in about halfway through, somewhat stunned by the stupidity and lameness of the experience to that point. Yeah there was some great music, but the rest of it was just so bad. Not good "bad," just bad. Like a "C" movie, if there was such a thing.
And of course after decades of hindsight we can also see more clearly how all the true blue blues musicians, all brown and black, those who'd put their lives and souls into their music for years and decades, for far less return than white musicians appropriating their culture for far more money, are (again) playing supporting roles to a couple young white male celebrity comedian-acrors who suddenly want to be "bluesmen" without paying any real dues.