I'm not entirely clear what you're trying to say here. It sounds like it might be "WalMart is not all bad because they have created a bunch of high-paying IT jobs that didn't exist before. So don't complain that they've also created a huge number of jobs that pay barely above minimum wage and have no potential for ever being better."
According to one reply here from someone who apparently knows, WalMart employs 10-12K IT staff. Your own numbers say they employ 1.5 million people overall, about half - 750K - who do the low end $16/hour jobs.
So taking the upper end of their estimated IT jobs, that's 12K, divided by 1.5M total jobs, tells us that 0.8 percent of WalMart's jobs are those high paying IT jobs. Gee, thanks, WalMart.
Of course there are some management tier jobs that also pay more, presumably. But it's going to be another fairly tiny percentage, just going from your description of the ratio of grunt workers to grunt worker watchers ("management" of some kind).
So if that really is what you're saying here, put the math in the article, so the ratio of crap jobs to high-pay jobs WalMart creates is clear.