In a broad sense this is good to say. Needs to be said. So thanks for that.
And, calls that are essentially for individual action in defiance of these bullies reveals a crux of our society's failure. Individual action will not be sufficient when collective action and solidarity is required.
Our hyper-individualism as a culture means that we do not by default stand together, even on life-critical issues.
Bullies thrive in this context. No amount of expensive individual "security system" will protect individuals from bullies and their allies, when those bullies know that the person is essentially standing alone in their defiance. Their neighbors, their co-workers, their managers, their administration, will most likely not have their back. Not my problem, don't go looking for trouble, they were asking for it anyhow, the police should handle this, it might put me/my family at risk, and so on, and on.
What needs to happen is that a bully initiates a conflict and everyone in the vicinity steps forward on behalf of the intended victim, of their own societal volition, clearly saying and showing "your behavior is not acceptable in our society, stop now or we will stop you."
What would it take to get us there?
Because that's what it takes to prevent totalitarianism. Martin Niemoller and Elie Wiesel among others have some pithy comments to this effect.