In animals other than contemporary humans, the "alpha male" is a significant protector and provider and has major responsibilities to the group/family it is the 'alpha' of. Most of what pop culture thinks 'alpha' is about is just plain wrong. See for example this, about wolves:
From that basis, none of the males mentioned here would qualify, nor most others some might see as similar. They are fundamentally cowards, bullies, and avoiders of responsibility. Zeta males at best, more like Iota males for the most part.
Meanwhile, Pinker is just one opinion, regardless of how much he's 'trending' these days. Popularity has little or nothing to do with veracity or integrity. What are his thoroughly researched, peer-reviewed sources for a statement like "In primitive societies 15 percent of people died violently?" And what is the definition of 'primitive' in use? And how is 'violence' defined?
Does letting large numbers of fellow humans die of hunger, exposure, lack of shelter and medical care etc. - "poverty," in general - count? How about all the humans being killed in overt and covert wars? Because all that violence is happening constantly, almost everywhere.
Comparisons with aboriginal and indigenous cultures is absurd, since most of what we claim to 'know' about them we made up to justify our genocide and/or forced assimilation of them.