Nice work. You included at least a few of the great number of systems elements ignored — “externalized” — by all the people who claim a PV panel has a positive energy return on energy invested (EROEI ). There are a lot more elements which, if included in such calculations, put PV panel EROEI far into the negative.
More important to address is this:
…we need the panel to generate enough energy that it can mitigate the harm suffered in it’s creation as well as additional energy to create replacement panel.
This assumes that some amount of energy, alone, can mitigate harm to living systems from manufacturing PV panels.
Harm to living systems cannot be mitigated, and certainly not undone, just by having some extra energy beyond what it takes to make the panel.
Calculations of this type are thus meaningless at best, and misleading at worst.
This film upsets some people for the same reason anyone saying “the emperor has no clothes!” upsets those people who are admiring the emperor’s fine new garments as the emperor parades naked through the town.