The last paragraph in this piece describes the state of mind propagandists and tyrants are constantly working to get everyone to. Everyone not already on 'their side' that is. Divide and conquer has always been a highly successful strategy. It applies to individuals as well as groups. Dividing each person inside themselves is part of dividing them from each other.
Odds are that the hate made visible is irrelevant, in statistical terms. It's junk data, a useless sample set. Far too small, just to start with. So yes, anecdotal. Any competent statistician can tell us that .
But when that's all we see, or all we choose to look at, we tend to believe it's all there is.
By far, most people collude with tyranny passively, not actively. It takes only enough nasty hate posts and videos to get them all thinking that everyone else is like that. Better go along, not rock the boat, and so on. Especially in a totalitarian state where there's no due process or rule of law and consequences can be immediate and harsh.
As long as someone has conviced us that there is an 'other' to be deplored, they control us.